It started a couple months ago as people were talking about their ages in a group setting. Since I am often younger than my friends, I was again being accused of being 'so young'. To this, I replied, "I'm not that young, I'm almost 39!" Then it hit me. I'm almost 39. Then comes 40. I keep thinking I'm still about 28, so I'm not really sure how this happened.
Don't get me wrong, I don't care about age. I'm not vain and it doesn't concern me that much. The problem here is that I was going to be in better shape by the time I turn 40. (Cause then everything gets so much harder, right?) Heh. The clock is ticking as I eat my bavarian cream donuts and whatever else I want while I sit around.
In most areas of my life I am not lazy. I'm a hard worker, and very efficient. I do what needs to be done, I go full throttle all day... but I will NEVER pass up a nap opportunity, and often try to make time. I love naps. Even when I'm busy being productive, it's still sitting in a chair in front of the computer or driving in the car. To exercise, I actually have to change clothes and put on shoes and go out the front door in the cold and rain and do something that sucks. So, I am very lazy about doing anything active.
So, I'm pushing 40, would have more energy and would lose weight if I start exercising. I will be starting the Couch to 5K. I can't stand it when people talk about running all the time, but my excuse is health. We are going to pretend it's not starting on January 1, because that's so predictable. We are going to attempt to change our eating habits to include a vegetable from time to time (boooring).
Here's all my excuses for not doing these things before:
1. I don't make new year's resolutions. If you're going to change something, do it when you realize it.
2. I hate exercise. (Still true)
3. I hate it when people talk about exercise all the time as though it's fun.
4. I hate it when I go out to dinner with women and they order salad when I want a burger, then I can't order a burger because I'll look like a pig. (This is why they are thinner than I am.)
5. Dieting takes too much effort, time, tracking, etc.
6. Healthier foods are more expensive.
7. I love eating out, but there's no point if I have to get salad in order to keep the calories at a reasonable level.
8. It's too much work. All of it.
9. My image of myself is still how I was when I was younger and about 50 lbs lighter. Only when I see a picture of myself do I realize what has happened.
10. I hate people checking up on me and when they (especially Mike) ask me how it's going, I want to punch them in the neck and quit the whole thing.
So... I'm going to "Get over my bad self" and stuff my excuses and get busy. Not to be a marathoner, but just to have a healthier lifestyle as I hit 40 and hopefully lose lots of weight in the process.
I have until Monday to finish off all the junk food in the house. :)
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